How to order a postal kit using your online account

To  request a free postal test kit for STIs (chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis and HIV) you will need to access your online patient account.

Once completed, please return your test samples as soon as possible, as prolonged storage at room temperature can effect results. Test results can, on some occasions, take up to 21 days if specialist tests are requested. Please allow up to 21 days prior to enquiring about test results. We endeavour to provide results between 2-7 working days in most cases.

To set up an online account or order a kit, click here.

Postal test kits will only be sent to addresses in Bristol, North Somerset or South Gloucestershire.

The kit will be sent to you in a blank envelope with no reference to sexual health or testing.

This service is best for people with no symptoms- if you are experiencing symptoms, see here for information on how to get an appointment.

If you are concerned about HIV, please see the risk assessment page here  or call the advice line on 0117 342 6944.

If you have had syphilis treated in the past, the blood test on the postal kit will not  be able to give us enough information and you should call the appointment line 0117 342 6900 and ask for a ‘blood test only’ appointment.

Information on what Unity services are currently available can be found  here.

Any information that you share will remain confidential within Unity (see our statement on confidentiality here ).

There is a link to a visual guide to setting up an account below.


Click on the link below to be taken to our online portal.

Online Portal



  • How to order a postal kit using your online account
    1. Please access your Online Account. (To set up an account see click here)
    2. Click on the “Home Test Kits” box
    3. Select the kit type required from the 5 different ones available (see below “What test kit do I order?” for further advice). Click “Order
    4. Complete the Online Triage Questions (this takes about 3 minutes to complete) – all the questions need an answer – please just select “Not Applicable” option if the question does not apply to you.
    5. At the bottom of the page of Online Triage Questions, click “Order
    6. Once you have ordered your kit and completed the triage information, your order will be visible in the “Previous Test Kit Orders” on the Home Testing Kits page.
    7. You can check the status of your order on the “Previous Test Kit Orders” box- it will read “Posted” when we have sent the kit out to you.
    8. We aim to send out test kits within 5 days of receiving your order
    9. You will not be able to re-order a test kit if your status of your kit is still “Ordered”
  • What test kit do I order?

    Once you have registered for your online account, you will have the option of ordering a home test kit to complete your tests for sexually transmitted infections at home.

    We have aimed to give you as much choice as possible with the choice of kits available.

    We have 5 test kit options:

    I want to test for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea only;

    Pack 1: Order this if you have a penis and only have sex with women. (This test kit is used to test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea from a penis with a urine sample)

    Pack 2: Order this if you have a vagina. (This test kit is used to test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea from a vagina using a swab).


    I want a blood test for HIV and Syphilis plus tests for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea;

    Pack 3: Order this if you have a penis and only have sex with women  (This test kit is used to test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea from a penis with a urine sample and HIV/syphilis with a finger-prick blood sample)

    Pack 4: Order this if you have a vagina (This test kit is used to test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea from a vagina using a swab and HIV/syphilis with a finger-prick blood sample)

    Pack 5: Order this if you want to check for infections in your penis or vagina, throat and bottom (This test kit is used to test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea with swabs from the throat/bottom/vagina and penis with a urine sample (use what you require). HIV and syphilis are tested with a blood sample)

  • How and when do I get my results?

    Results are sent by text message to the mobile phone number you have registered with.

    For Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea tests (swabs and/or urine) 

    • We aim to get results to you (positive or negative) within 7 working days, however there are sometimes unavoidable delays beyond our control.
    • We would expect all patients to have results within 4 weeks. If you have not given us permission to text, and have not received your results within 4 weeks’ you can assume your results are negative.

    For blood tests for HIV and/or Syphilis

    • If all results are negative and no further action needed then you will get a text in 2 – 3 weeks after your test.
    • If a result is positive or needs further action then we will contact you within 2 – 3 weeks after your test (this may be earlier for a HIV result that needs action).

    As a confidential clinic we are unable to provide results if you phone us.

  • I haven't received my test kit

    If you haven’t received your kit within 2 weeks of ordering, please return to your online patient account and check the “Status” of your order under the “Event History”.

    Please check that your address is correct and then order another kit.

    If you have, and you still have not received your order you can either order another kit or call 0117 342 9299.

  • Difficulty with the blood test

    A lot of people have difficulty getting enough blood for the test.

    If you have any difficulties with the blood test, please check out our video below.

    Blood results: Sometimes you may receive an ‘insufficient’ or ‘haemolysed’ result with the blood test. This means that there either was not enough blood in the tube, or the blood sample degraded in transit. Unfortunately this is a possibility with home testing. If you receive this result more than twice, you may contact Unity to arrange an in-person blood test. Please be aware there can be very limited face-to-face blood tests available.

  • Confidentiality

    The service is confidential but there are several questions we need to ask about you to make sure that you are the only person who can access your record and order a kit.

    There are also questions we need to ask about symptoms and what sex you have had and about your safety. This is to make sure you are testing for the right infections at the right time.

    Your online account is subject to two-factor verification, requiring a valid email address and mobile number.

    Please do not tell anyone your password.

    For the full Unity Sexual Health Confidentiality statement please click here


  • Safeguarding

    We will ask you some personal questions when you come to request your postal testing kit. This is to make sure you are safe. Depending on your answers, we may follow up with a telephone call or text message before we send out your testing kit.

  • What do I do with the lancets when I have finished?

    The needle used will retract back into the case, so you can safely put this into a standard rubbish bin.

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