How can I access Unity Sexual Health services?
Unity Sexual Health covers Bristol, North Somerset & South Gloucestershire.
For information on who provides the service click on Who are we and what do we do
Or call one of our health advisers on 0117 342 6944

What if I don’t have anything wrong, I just want a check up?
If you do not have symptoms and want a check-up, you can ask for a home test-kit.

You can get the test by calling one of our health advisers on 0117 342 6944
Or you can set up an online account . It might be helpful to do this with someone to support you.

After answering some questions and giving your details, the kit will be sent to you.

The kit has instructions telling you how to take samples at home.

Post this back to us in the envelope provided.

If you are a member of the LGBTQ+ communities you can go to a clinic for HIV rapid testing, Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea tests.

I have something wrong or want to see someone in private

If you have something wrong or want to speak to someone, you can talk to a doctor, nurse or health adviser.
Click here for a list of our clinics and opening times.

For appointments you can call 0117 342 6900 to make an appointment.
You may be given an appointment at any of our clinic sites
Some of our other clinics may be closer to you than the Central Health Clinic
Here is a list of all our services

The telephone booking line is open:
Monday to Friday from 8:30am
Saturday from 8:30am
I have been sent by my GP or another doctor or nurse

Some people may be sent to our service by their GP or another healthcare person.
Depending on what is wrong, your GP can advise you to contact us Central Health Clinic.

The GP can also write to us and we will call you or send a letter with information about your appointment.

You may be given an appointment at any of our clinic sites.
Some of our other clinics may be closer to you than the Central Health Clinic.
We offer several different services.
I am pregnant and want an abortion

If you are pregnant and do not want to continue the pregnancy or you are unsure, you can make an appointment with our Pregnancy Advisory Service.

You can call us or someone else can make the call for you.

You will be asked your name, address and your GP details (if you have one).

They will make an appointment for you.
This will be either a telephone or face-to-face appointment to talk about your pregnancy options and make a plan with you.

If you are having difficulty making a decision we can give you information about how many weeks pregnant you are and your options.

If you are under 18 years old, you will need help from an adult to support you (someone who is over 18) during the abortion process.