New sexual health service to launch across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire

A new, innovative integrated sexual and reproductive health service is set to launch in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) on 1 April 2025. The new service, named Yuno, will offer free and confidential access to a wide range of services.

From 1 April, the integrated sexual and reproductive health service can be accessed online at

C card in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire

C (Condom) card is a free condom programme for all young people under 24 years old

Using condoms every time you have oral, anal or vaginal sex is the best way to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infection.

If you are worried about having an infection, order a test kit here.

Condoms can also reduce the risk of unplanned pregnancy.  If you think you are at risk of pregnancy due to a condom accident or unprotected sex, click here for further advice.

For advice on how to use a condom, click here.





  • I am a young person and need free condoms

    Need free condoms?

    Not sure where to get them?

    Need some advice about using condoms?

    If you answered YES to any of those questions then C card is for you. To find out more click on the questions below


    Where can I go to get free condoms?

    If you are 13-24 you can get free condoms though C.

    C is available in places like schools, colleges, youth centres, pharmacies and doctors surgeries. Wherever it is available you’ll see the poster or window sticker (see the logo above).


    C is available from your school nurse during the weekly school nurse drop-in clinic in your secondary school. Young people in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire can use the Chat Health Service to contact a school nurse.  This confidential service is open Monday to Friday from 9am-5pm. Send a text message to 07312 263093 for confidential advice, support and to chat with a School Nurse. They can support you with condoms, relationships and sexual health.

    For details of places in Bristol that provide the scheme click here .

    For details of places in North Somerset that provide the scheme click here

    For details of places in South Gloucestershire that provide the scheme click here

    Additional Bristol C-Card Services

    Digital C-Card Sign-up

    If you are 16-24 years and live, are educated or work in Bristol, you can begin your C-Card sign-up using our digital method.

    Go to Bristol Digital C-Card, complete the form and watch the condom demo video. You will be given a code that looks like this: Z123-4567-890. It will also be emailed to you. This is NOT your C-Card number.

    To collect your C-Card and condoms, you need to take your code to Brook Bristol (The Station, Silver Street, Bristol, BS1 2AG) or one of the other outlets listed on the email you will receive. Please note: not all Bristol C-Card outlets offer this service at present, so check the email for details.

    If you are under 16, you will need to complete an in person registration at one of our outlets. Please visit Bristol C-Card Map for locations.

    Condoms by Post

    For those aged 16-24 years who have already registered for a Bristol C-Card, you can now order condoms by post.

    Complete the form at Bristol Condoms by Post. Your condoms will be sent by Royal Mail 2nd Class to the address of your choosing, in completely plain packaging. You can choose either 6 or 12 condoms at a time, and choose from a range of different condoms, including non-latex, flavoured or different sizes. This service is completely free of charge.

    If you try to order condoms this way, but do not have a Bristol C-Card, you will be directed to register for one first.

    How does it work?

    When you join C card you get a plastic card that looks like a supermarket loyalty card or very small bank card. That card is unique to you. Once you’ve got it, you can collect free condoms up to 4 times a month from anywhere in Bristol, North Somerset or South Gloucestershire that provide condoms.

    What will happen when I first sign up?

    To register for C you need to have an appointment with a trained C adviser. The appointment is confidential and no details will be passed to your parents / carers, your school, college or Doctors. The adviser will:

    • Talk with you about healthy relationships and your thoughts and feelings about becoming or being sexually active
    • Help you to learn the best way to use condoms
    • Help you to recognise which types of condoms might be best for you (it is also important to remember that if it’s not the right size then this will effect how well it works)
    • Give you the opportunity to ask questions and talk about things that might be on your mind
    • Explain how the scheme works
    • Give you your free condoms
    • Ensure you know where you can go for other support and services you might need



  • I am a professional and would like to provide the scheme

    If you work for a Bristol-based organisation and want to deliver the scheme please email Catherine Fahmi (

    If you work for a North Somerset-based organisation and want to deliver the scheme please email Kate Blakley (

    If you work for a South Gloucestershire-based organisation and want to deliver the scheme please email Natalie Symonds (

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