Postal kit service

The Unity online test kit service has reached full capacity and will be temporarily closed to new orders until 16 March 2025. Orders already received will be processed and we will update further before this date.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this disruption.

If you have an urgent clinical problem, please call the clinic on 0117 342 6900.

I need more information about contraception

Contraception can prevent pregnancy when used correctly.

There are many different types of contraception available. Some types of contraception may be more suitable for you than others,  so getting advice about your options is important. Watch the video below for a summary of your options. (Video transcript is available here.)

Please see below for video transcript.


There are lots of contraception tools available to help you decide which is the best method for you. Some of these tools may be found here:


Contraception Choices

Where can I get advice?

Contraception can be accessed from the following services:

  • Unity Sexual Health – see here for clinics – not all clinics can offer all types of contraception.
    • If they can’t provide the method that you would like, Unity staff will be able to help you find a service that can and offer you an alternative method in the meantime.
  • Your GP or practice nurse
  • Brook
  • Your School nurse
  • Pharmacies
    • You can find out your nearest pharmacies that provide emergency contraception by texting:
      • Pharmacy EHC and your post code e.g. Pharmacy EHC BS2 0JD to 80011
    • You will get a text with the 3 nearest pharmacies with their names, addresses, telephone numbers and distance.
    • Standard text message rates from your provider may apply when using this service.


If you need more information on how to get supplies of your chosen method please visit our page:  I need supplies of contraception

Locate a confidential service

Find your local Pharmacy or Clinic and book a confidential appointment.

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