Postal kit service

The Unity online test kit service has reached full capacity and will be temporarily closed to new orders until 16 March 2025. Orders already received will be processed and we will update further before this date.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this disruption.

If you have an urgent clinical problem, please call the clinic on 0117 342 6900.

Clinical Services and How to Refer

For professionals requiring urgent clinical advice, please contact us on: on 0117 342 6913

  • Unity Central telephone number for patients:  0117 342 6900
  • Unity @ WISH, Weston (North Somerset) telephone number:  01934 881 234
  • For professionals only urgent clinical advice INCLUDING NEW OR ACUTE EPISODES OF SYPHILIS (this is not a patient advice line):  0117 342 6913
  • GUM/sexual health advice only: From 01.01.2025 all A&G requests should be made through the electronic referral service (eRS)
  • LARC referrals to CHC: From 01.07.24 all referrals for LARC including A&G requests should be made through the electronic referral service (eRS)
  • LARC referrals for North Somerset (WISH) patients only: e mail
  • Emergency IUD at CHC:
  • Emergency IUD referrals for North Somerset patients only:  
  • Psychosexual referrals:
  • Pregnancy Advisory Service:  0345 872 5435

UPDATE January 2024

As of Jan 2024, Mirena now has an 8 year license for contraception only (no extension on use for HRT) – the extended use for contraception does not yet apply to other 52mg LNG IUD ( ie Levosert, Benilexa) – Unity is commissioned to provide LNG-IUDs for contraception only therefore we will not be routinely replacing Mirenas earlier than the 8 yr license.

As per FSRH IUC guidance 2023, any 52mg LNG-IUD may be used for endometrial protection ( 5 yrs) as part of combined HRT regime

  • Fast track route for implant referrals

    Does your patient want a contraceptive implant (Nexplanon?)

    St Michael’s Hospital are establishing a temporary service to train their staff in the provision of contraceptive implants, and so are looking for patients!

    For short time only, the clinic will accept referrals from GPs across BNSSG. The clinic is for GP referrals until  the end of March 2024. 

    The clinic will provide full pre-fit consultation, the Nexplanon device and consumables, and a standard letter. There is currently no waiting list!

    All details including inclusions/exclusions can be found on our remedy page    remedy pathway (

    Patients should be referred via ERS by selecting:

    • Speciality: Gynaecology
    • Clinic Type: Not Otherwise Specified
    • Priority: Routine
    • Service Name: Long-Acting Reversible Contraception Service (LARC) – Bristol Royal Infirmary – UHBW – RA7
    For queries about the service you can email 
  • Patient self-referral

    People can self-refer to Unity Sexual Health for:

    For information on current Unity clinics and opening hours please click here.


  • GP referral

    If you wish to refer to Unity Sexual Health you may do so in the following ways:

    Urgent referrals:

    During clinic opening hours call:

    For Bristol and South Gloucestershire: 0117 342 6913

    For North Somerset, WISH @ Unity: 01934 881234

    Emergency IUD referral:

    Please use the referral templates below and e mail as follows


    LARC referrals and Advice and Guidance:

    • Bristol and South Gloucestershire: please see the Unity LARC referral form below and refer through the electronic referral service (eRS)
    • North Somerset:  please see the WISH LARC referral form below and send to:  

    Our current waiting time for appointments is approximately 8-10 weeks

    1. As of Jan 2024, Mirena now has an 8 year license for contraception (only – no extension on use for HRT) – the extended use for contraception does not yet apply to other 52mg LNG IUD ( ie Levosert, Benilexa) – Unity is commissioned to provide LNG-IUDs for contraception only therefore we will not be routinely replacing Mirenas earlier than the 8 yr license.
    2.  As per FSRH IUC guidance 2023,  any 52mg LNG-IUD may be used for endometrial protection ( 5 yrs) as part of combined HRT regime


    GUM/Sexual health Advice and Guidance

    From 01.01.25 all GUM/sexual health advice requests should be made via the electronic referral service (eRS) or for patients in North Somerset e mail WISH @ Unity:


    Psychosexual referrals
    Please check the information here for guidance about managing and referring to psychosexual services psychosexual problems
    Please e mail
  • Unity clinics and opening times

    Unity clinics

    For contraception and sexual health the Bristol and South Gloucestershire contact telephone number is 0117 342 6900.

    The telephone lines are open::

      • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday:  8.30am – 5pm
      • Wednesday:  8.30am – 2pm; 3pm – 5pm (closed between 14.00-15.00 for staff training)
      • Friday:  8.30am – 1pm
      • Saturday:  9am – 12pm

    At Unity@Central we run a triage-first system. Please note: Our services are extremely busy and our initial telephone triage appointments can be filled early in the day.

    At present we are not offering regular repeated cryotherapy (freezing treatment) for warts unless topical treatment is contraindicated.

    Appointments may be offered at:

    • Central Health Clinic (BS2 0JD)
    • Unity@Concord (BS34 6BQ)
    • Unity@South Bristol Community Hospital (BS14 0DE)
    • Unity@Cossham (BS15 1LF)
    • Unity@Yate (BS37 4AX)

    WISH @ Unity (Weston-Super-Mare, North Somerset)

    If you wish to make an appointment or to speak to someone at the clinic in Weston-Super-Mare, call WISH @ Unity on  01934 881234. 

    The Unity @ WISH, Weston telephone lines are open:

    • Monday: 9.00am-4.30pm
    • Tuesday: 9.15am-7.15pm
    • Wednesday:  8.15am-4.00pm
    • Thursday:  CLOSED
    • Friday:  8.30am-2pm
    • Saturday:  9.15am-12.15pm (first and third Saturday of each month only)
    • Sunday: CLOSED

    Unfortunately, it is not possible for WISH staff to book appointments at Central Health Clinic or any Unity community clinics.

    Our telephone lines are usually busy, but we do work through the calls and messages as quickly as we can. If you cannot get through when you first call, then please try again later.


  • Emergency contraceptive IUD

    If you wish to refer your patient for an emergency or post-coital IUD, please open and complete the IUCD referral form (find at the bottom of this page).

    • Bristol and South Gloucestershire Pharmacy and GP: Please email the form to
    • North Somerset Pharmacy and GP: Please email the form to
    • Pharmacists may use Pharm Outcomes to make an automated referral.

    PLEASE ADVISE YOUR PATIENT THAT WE WILL CONTACT THEM FROM A “No Caller ID” or “Withheld”  NUMBER. We will attempt to call them on a maximum of two occasions. If they do not answer after the second call no further attempts will be made.

    All patients will be contacted prior to the offer of an appointment to clarify their details and confirm appointment timings. If they do not answer, they cannot be offered an appointment and they will not have their IUD fitted.

    Further guidance on how to calculate the latest time that an emergency IUD may be fitted is available in the document below and also on the sexual health pages of the Remedy website.

  • LNG-IUD and implant fitting and removal: LARC REFERRALS


    1. As of Jan 2024, Mirena now has an 8 year license for contraception (only – no extension on use for HRT) – the extended use for contraception does not yet apply to other 52mg LNG IUD ( ie Levosert, Benilexa) – Unity is commissioned to provide LNG-IUDs for contraception only therefore we will not be routinely replacing Mirenas earlier than the 8 yr license.
    2.  As per FSRH IUC guidance 2023,  any 52mg LNG-IUD may be used for endometrial protection ( 5 yrs) as part of combined HRT regime


    If you are a Bristol or South Glos GP and would like to refer a patient for a LARC method at Unity Sexual Health please complete the Unity LARC referral form below and refer through the electronic referral service (eRS)

    If you are a North Somerset GP and would like to refer a patient for a LARC method at Unity Sexual Health please see the WISH LARC referral form below and send to:

    • For patients requesting a copper or LNG-IUD, please highlight to them the IUC self assessment form which they should complete and bring with them to their appointment
    • All lost thread referrals for removal must have an ultrasound report included from the last 6 months confirming that the IUS/IUD is in situ
    • For complex implant removals please state whether the implant was palpable
    • Further information about LARC referrals may be found on the sexual health pages of the Remedy website

    The current commissioning arrangements for fitting the LNG-IUD and contraceptive implant in our clinics specifies that we can only fit these methods in certain situations, as below:

    • There has been a referral from a GP for specific contraception advice and request for fitting of long acting reversible contraception
    • Where a GP cannot remove an implant, Unity will remove and replace if a further implant is required
    • IUD removal and replacement is outside scope of GP contract
    • Medical complexity of an individual requiring LARC which is outside GP expertise and requires specialist sexual health advice/treatment such as long term medical conditions
    • Any young person under 20 attending Unity Sexual Health
    • Where there is no alternative form of contraception in place at the time of presentation (excluding the use of condoms).

    Patients who do not meet any of the criteria above will be advised to contact their GP for an appointment.

    Fitting of LNG-IUD in Secondary Care (when not for contraception) is on the Interventions Not Normally Funded (INNF) list as ‘Criteria Based Access’ for all Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire patients. Any patients who request an appointment for this will be referred back to their GP. Please see the Intrauterine Coil Insertion and Removal in Secondary Care Policy for further information. Please note, where an LNG-IUD has been fitted at the age of 45 or over, the device may be retained for contraception until the age of 55. If used as the progestogenic component of HRT the device must be replaced every 5 years but this would require a referral to gynaecology services – not Unity.


  • Pregnancy Advisory Service

    Central booking number  0345 872 5435

    Patients can self-refer on this 24-hour telephone line.

    You can call the Central Booking number on behalf of your patient, or provide it to your patient for them to call.

    The operator will ask for some basic information such as name, date of birth and GP details (if the patient has one). This is for all women, regardless of age, in Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset with an unplanned pregnancy. This number is free and available 24/7.

    If a patient is under 18 years of age we would be very grateful if you would be able to provide us with additional information (you can either email this to from a secure email only or send the referral in the post to FAO PAS Outreach Nurses, Unity Sexual Health, Central Health Clinic, Tower Hill, Bristol, BS2 0JD.).

    This is in addition to a referral via the Central Booking number.  Please see below for the Under 18’s Additional Information form.

    If there are complex medical and/or social factors please phone on their behalf to make an appointment and where possible provide a letter with details (including the date of the appointment made).

    If you would like to speak to someone directly at Pregnancy Advisory Service regarding a specific referral, please call 0117 342 6824. You will not be able to make an appointment using this number.

  • Specialist clinics

    At Unity we offer a number of specialist clinics.

    In general, patients will need to be referred into these clinics.

    When referring patients into our specialist clinics it is extremely helpful if you could include their medical history, medications and relevant tests or previous relevant referrals.

    The following patients can be seen in specialist clinics:

    • Male-bodied with:
      • chronic pelvic pain
      • chronic urethral discharge
    • Female-bodied with
      • recurrent bacterial vaginosis
      • recurrent thrush
      • chronic unexplained troublesome vaginal discharge or other vulvo-vaginal symptoms
      • complex contraception issues
      • long acting reversible contraception needs that cannot be provided by the surgery
      • deep or impalpable contraceptive implants


    To refer a patient to our service please use the A&G pathway on eRS and include a summary of all medical conditions, medication, treatments tried and relevant test results.

    Please note that we are not commissioned to provide advice or treatment for menopausal symptoms.




  • Psychosexual service

    We continue to offer psychosexual services to the patients of Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.

    To refer a patient to this service please write a letter and include a summary of all medical conditions, medication, treatments tried and relevant test results.

    Please send your referral to



  • Menopause care

    Please note that we are not commissioned to provide advice or treatment for menopausal symptoms and are unable to accept referrals for this indication.

    We recommend the RCGP Womens Health Library as a useful tool to access guidelines and e-learning resources.


Pregnancy options flowchart


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