New sexual health service to launch across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire

A new, innovative integrated sexual and reproductive health service is set to launch in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) on 1 April 2025. The new service, named Yuno, will offer free and confidential access to a wide range of services.

From 1 April, the integrated sexual and reproductive health service can be accessed online at

Professional development and training opportunities

This page describes professional development and training opportunities for professionals working in health and non-health, NHS and third sector organisations who wish to further their development and learning in sexual healthcare and contraception provision.

Education and Training Provided by Unity Sexual Health

Professional development opportunities for health and non-health professionals who wish to get more involved in the provision of sexual health and contraception care or who are working with people who may need support with their sexual health or contraceptive needs.

LAST UPDATED  19/02/2025:

Most of our training events are delivered remotely via  MS Teams. See below for more details, including how to book. Please note the following:
1. Some events may be cancelled at short notice.
2. Some of our courses require a minimum number of delegates to proceed; where this is not achieved the event will be cancelled and we will notify anyone that had registered to attend. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

If you book a place and are no longer able to attend, we ask that you CANCEL your booking please. Frequent non-attenders will not be allowed to book onto future courses.


Our training is available to those working in the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire area ONLY. To confirm your place and to receive the meeting link, we ask for details of your employing body and a work email address.


Please scroll down the list and expand on the section that describes the sort of training you would like to attend.

  • Attend UYP training to support your work with young people

    Since April 2018 Unity has been providing Unity Young People (UYP) training –  previously known as 4YP.

    The 4YP brand no longer exists in Bristol.

    UYP training consists of a programme of events that are aimed at health and non-health professionals working with and supporting young people to have healthy and safe sexual relationships. UYP training is free to attend AND for those working within the BNSSG area ONLY.  To book please click on the relevant links. We require the name of your line manager to complete the booking. In the event that you do not attend your line manager will be informed. If you book a place and are unable to attend please let us know via EventBrite.

    In line with commissioning agreements, priority for UYP training is given to staff working with young people in the Bristol area. Individuals from North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are encouraged to email to register an interest. 8 weeks before the event any remaining places will be offered to delegates from North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. Bristol delegates are thus encouraged to register early to avoid disappointment. These events are not open to staff working outside the BNSSG area.

    Please also note that for each course there is a minimum number of delegates required in order to run the event. In the event that this number is not reached the event will have to be cancelled and any delegates booked on will be informed 1 week before.

    Please note also that in order to receive a certificate confirming attendance at any of our training events you are expected to attend the event in full. If you arrive more than 30 minutes late after the scheduled start time or have to leave more than 30 minutes before the end, we will not be able to provide you with a certificate of attendance. You are, however, still welcome to attend for your continuing professional development.

    To book a place on any of the UYP events please click here.

    If the event you are interested in attending is not listed please bear with us as we create the EventBrite page


    Consent and Managing Disclosures

    This training aims help those working with young people understand the law, the gender norms, stereotypes and cultural factors which may affect young people’s ability to consent and provide resources to help young people to develop awareness and confidence in communicate about consent with their partners.

    Learning Outcomes

      • Understand the importance of adopting a holistic approach to educating about consent including gender, social norms and bystander approach
      • Identify a spiral curriculum approach to teaching consent
      • Explore the current context of sexual assault in the UK & learn about the effects of sexual assault
      • Build on confidence regarding how to react to a sexual assault disclosure and follow up


    All events have now taken place – please check back after April 2025


    Diversity and inclusion: promoting sexual health

    This training is delivered by Unity partners, the Terence Higgins Trust.

    The learning event aims to support professionals who work with young people to explore issues relating to racial diversity and sexual health.


    ·         Understand the inequalities for racially marginalised communities in sexual health

    ·         Understand the impact of social and cultural determinants on sexual and reproductive health

    ·         Explore methods to improve engagement with diverse communities

    Dates: All events have now taken place – please check back after April 2025


    HIV awareness and STI basics

    This training is delivered by Unity partners, the Terence Higgins Trust.

    The learning event aims to support professionals who work with young people to explore issues relating to HIV.


    • Provide an understanding of HIV transmission
    • Discuss prevention strategies (safer sex, TaSP)
    • Explore living with HIV and how to find out more through interactive group work
    • Provide tools and engagement methods to support young people with their learning.


    All events have now taken place – please check back after April 2025


    HIV awareness and STI and chlamydia screening update

    This JOINT  training is delivered by Unity partners, the Terence Higgins Trust and the Chlamydia Screening Office

    The learning event aims to support professionals who work with young people to explore issues relating to HIV.


    • Understand the prevalence of STIs and chlamydia in young people
    • Describe interventions that can reduce transmission of STIs and chlamydia
    • Discuss the role of the Chlamydia screening programme in Bristol
    • Understand HIV transmission
    • Discuss prevention strategies (safer sex, PrEP)


    All events have now taken place – please check back after April 2025


    Hearts and Minds: reducing HIV stigma in healthcare

    This training aims to enable attendees to provide confident and supportive care for people living with HIV in all health and care settings. This training is about proactively tackling the social exclusion and inequality that impacts on many areas of life with HIV, stigma and discrimination by health providers will continue to negatively impact the health of people living with HIV, regardless of improved knowledge/awareness.


    • Review HIV transmission and the history of the virus.

    • Consider how treatments have transformed HIV and its risks.

    • Reflect on the impact of HIV stigma in health settings.

    • Plan confident and supportive health care provision for people living with HIV in their

    healthcare setting.


    All events have now taken place – please check back after April 2025


    LGBTQ+ Young People – working with under-represented communities

    This training is delivered by Unity partners, the Terence Higgins Trust.

    This training event aims to empower attendees to work confidently with young people to explore issues around sexuality and gender.


    • Attendees will feel encouraged and supported to develop and deliver LGBTQ+ inclusive content.
    • An increased knowledge and understanding of LGBTQ+ identities, reflecting on our existing understanding and unconscious bias.

    These sessions have been developed in conjunction with LGBTQ+ young people.


    All events have now taken place – please check back after April 2025


    Pornography and youth produced sexual imagery

    This training aims to raise awareness of the role social media, pornography and sexting plays in young people sexual encounters and relationships.  Through learning about the impact on young people and the legal framework relating to sexting and pornography professionals will have then explore how to respond and support young people to keep themselves safe and nurture healthy relationships .



    • Understand the messages and impact of social media, pornography and sexting on young people’s relationships
    • Understand risks including the legal implications of pornography and sexting
    • Feel confident to respond to situations involving pornography and/or sexting
    • Be familiar with resources available and practical tools to support young people around issues associated  with social media, pornography and sexting

    Dates:  4 hours – 09:30 – 13:30

    Wednesday 26th Feb 2025

    To book a place on any of the UYP events please click here.


    Pregnancy Decisions and Dilemmas 

    This is aimed at the Young People’s Workforce-those who work directly with young people such as Learning Mentors in schools, School Nurses, Support Workers, Young People’s housing workers, Youth Workers, drug and alcohol workers, those working for young people’s charities, social workers etc.


    • Identify tools, strategies and support for working with young people who are pregnant or at risk of pregnancy
    • Increase confidence to discuss pregnancy options with young people
    • Reflect on your own views of teenage pregnancy and abortion and how they might affect your  practice
    • Awareness on confidentiality and the law


    All events have now taken place – please check back after April 2025

    SHIC (Sexual Health in the community) 


    • Clarifies how their role contributes to young people’s sexual health issues and local targets and priorities
    • Explores issues of personal values and beliefs and the impact on professional boundaries
    • Understands the law relating to sex and relationship
    • Feels confident to signpost young people for relevant support

    Dates: All events have now taken place – please check back after April 2025


    Spotting the Signs of Child Sexual and Criminal Exploitation

    • Recognise different models of child sexual and criminal exploitation
    • Know that perpetrators may subject children to multiple forms of abuse at the same time
    • Challenge gendered preconceptions of children and young people’s vulnerability to different forms of exploitation
    • Identify the barriers for children and young people to disclosure
    • Feel confident to effectively apply the tool to exploring and assessing risk to children and young people
    • Understand the effects of trauma and how to apply the principles of trauma informed practice to using the too

    Dates: All events have now taken place – please check back after April 2025


    STI and Chlamydia Screening Update (1/2 day)


    • Understand the prevalence of STIs and chlamydia in young people
    • Describe interventions that can reduce transmission of STIs and chlamydia
    • Discuss the role of the Chlamydia screening programme in Bristol


    All events have now taken place – please check back after April 2025


    STI and contraception: Myth-busting


    • Identify common myths and misinformation surrounding STIs and contraception
    • Support young people to be able to access reliable information
    • Signpost young people for advice


    All events have now taken place – please check back after April 2025

    Understanding Masculinity and Tackling Misogyny – NEW for 2024

    Learning Outcomes

    • Describe the harm gender stereotypes cause young people of all genders
    • Define misogyny and give examples of how it affects young people
    • Understand the impact of digital content on young people’s gender norms and values
    • Recognise and mitigate the push-pull factors that attract young people towards extreme ideologies
    • Feel confident in raising young people’s awareness of misogyny and tackle harmful ideas in the classroom

    Date : All events have now taken place – please check back after April 2025


    C-Card Training (1/2 day)

    This is available to professionals working in the Bristol  area only.

    Dates:  3 hours – 09:30 – 12:30

    Friday 12th July 2024

    Monday 7th  October 2024

    Wednesday 27th November 2024

    Monday 13th January 2025

    All events have now taken place – please check back after April 2025


    For those working in South Gloucestershire or North Somerset there are separate C card training arrangements:

    South Gloucestershire:  Click here for further information on registering as a C:card provider in South Gloucestershire.

    North Somerset:  For further information on registering as a C:card provider in North Somerset email Kate Blakley, Health Improvement Specialist ( ).



  • Hearts and Minds: reducing HIV stigma in healthcare

    Current HIV training for health care workers , including our one on HIV awareness, tends to focus on improving knowledge about HIV and current treatments, but does not target the attitudes that can make people with HIV feel feared or rejected. This training is about proactively tackling the social exclusion and inequality that impacts on many areas of life with HIV, stigma and discrimination by health providers will continue to negatively impact the health of people living with HIV, regardless of improved knowledge/awareness.


    For people living with HIV, experiences of and concerns about HIV stigma from mainstream healthcare staff (outside of sexual health or HIV specialist clinics) have a negative impact on health.


    The Positive Voices survey undertaken with over 4000 people with HIV in the UK in 2017 found that 1 in 10 have avoided seeking healthcare due to their HIV status, and more than a third struggle to discuss HIV with their GP. This leads to poorer health outcomes for people with HIV, so it is vital that HIV stigma in all healthcare is challenged (Action 9 of England’s Independent HIV Commission).


    Hearts and Minds training aims to enable attendees to provide confident and supportive care for people living with HIV in all health and care settings.


    Taking part in the training will enable participants to:

    • Review HIV transmission and the history of the virus.

    • Consider how treatments have transformed HIV and its risks.

    • Reflect on the impact of HIV stigma in health settings.

    • Plan confident and supportive health care provision for people living with HIV in their

    healthcare setting.



    All events have now taken place – please check back after April 2025

  • HIV training to support your work with vulnerable groups

    HIV awareness and STI basics

    This training is delivered by Unity partners, the Terence Higgins Trust.

    The learning event aims to support professionals who work with young people to explore issues relating to HIV.


    • Provide an understanding of HIV transmission
    • Discuss prevention strategies (safer sex, TaSP)
    • Explore living with HIV and how to find out more through interactive group work
    • Provide tools and engagement methods to support young people with their learning.


    All events have now taken place – please check back after April 2025


    HIV awareness and STI and chlamydia screening update

    This JOINT  training is delivered by Unity partners, the Terence Higgins Trust and the Chlamydia Screening Office

    The learning event aims to support professionals who work with young people to explore issues relating to HIV.


    • Understand the prevalence of STIs and chlamydia in young people
    • Describe interventions that can reduce transmission of STIs and chlamydia
    • Discuss the role of the Chlamydia screening programme in Bristol
    • Understand HIV transmission
    • Discuss prevention strategies (safer sex, PrEP)


    All events have now taken place – please check back after April 2025


    Hearts and Minds: reducing HIV stigma in healthcare

    This training aims to enable attendees to provide confident and supportive care for people living with HIV in all health and care settings. This training is about proactively tackling the social exclusion and inequality that impacts on many areas of life with HIV, stigma and discrimination by health providers will continue to negatively impact the health of people living with HIV, regardless of improved knowledge/awareness.


    • Review HIV transmission and the history of the virus.

    • Consider how treatments have transformed HIV and its risks.

    • Reflect on the impact of HIV stigma in health settings.

    • Plan confident and supportive health care provision for people living with HIV in their

    healthcare setting.


    All events have now taken place – please check back after April 2025


  • Attend training to increase your knowledge in syphilis

    A new online training programme has been developed in partnership with Yorkshire Mesmac, Long Time No Syphilis and Prepster.

    The FREE five-week online training is a pilot and part of the wider Long Time No Syphilis programme that aims to address the ongoing national increase in syphilis through a range of health promotion interventions.

    The training is aimed at frontline staff and volunteers in England who may have limited syphilis awareness or will benefit from a refresher.

    Over five 2-3 hour sessions participants will increase their syphilis knowledge, learn more about the LTNS programme and gain new tools and skills to deliver outreach and testing for syphilis.

    Across five sessions the following will be discussed:

    • An introduction to Syphilis
    • A short (but important) history of Syphilis
    • Understanding the prevention and control of Syphilis
    • Partner notification
    • Targeting populations most at risk

    The sessions will be delivered in two rounds and will run for five weeks:

    • Round ONE on Tuesday afternoons 2-4pm, starting Tuesday 18th August
    • Round TWO on Thursday evenings 6-8pm, starting Thursday 20th August.

    The online sessions will be facilitated by Yorkshire MESMAC, with support from Long Time No Syphilis and Prepster.

    This event has now taken place. Please check back after April to see if we are delivering this again in 2025.


  • Attend training to improve inclusivity in your organisation

    Diversity and inclusion: promoting sexual health

    This training is delivered by Unity partners, the Terence Higgins Trust.

    The learning event aims to support professionals who work with young people to explore issues relating to racial diversity and sexual health.


    ·         Understand the inequalities for racially marginalised communities in sexual health

    ·         Understand the impact of social and cultural determinants on sexual and reproductive health

    ·         Explore methods to improve engagement with diverse communities

    Dates: This event has now taken place. Please check back after April to see if we are delivering this again in 2025.

    Working with LGBTQ+ Young People

    This training is delivered by Unity partners, the Terence Higgins Trust.

    This training event aims to empower attendees to work confidently with young people to explore issues around sexuality and gender.


    • Attendees will feel encouraged and supported to develop and deliver LGBTQ+ inclusive content.
    • An increased knowledge and understanding of LGBTQ+ identities, reflecting on our existing understanding and unconscious bias.

    These sessions have been developed in conjunction with LGBTQ+ young people.


    This event has now taken place. Please check back after April to see if we are delivering this again in 2025.


  • Achieve a nationally recognised qualification in sexual and reproductive health : DFSRH

    The Diploma of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (DFSRH) is for healthcare professionals who wish to gain the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to deliver safe and effective sexual and reproductive health care in community, primary and secondary care settings. The programme is open to clinicians who are registered with UK regulatory body. It is open to doctors, nurses, physicians associates,  primary care pharmacists and paramedics working in primary care.

    Unity runs a training programme and has FSRH registered trainers who can support anyone wishing to achieve the DFSRH. We offers clinical placements for the clinical experience and assessments stage of the Diploma.

    For further information, please email DFSRH Training or visit the FSRH website.


    If you are a primary care nurse or paramedic, UWE run an  Integrated Practice for Sexual and Reproductive Health module where you can achieve the DFSRH – they can provide you with an FSRH trainer and your clinical placements are undertaken in your own practice.

    Contact to discuss options.

  • Access Unity training available to primary care
    • Unity Annual Updating Day on Contraception and Sexual Health
        • This is an annual whole day learning event delivered by Unity Sexual Health. It is aimed at GPs, practice nurses and any other health professionals in primary care working with young people or with an interest in contraception and sexual health. The aim is to support clinical professionals in delivering  effective and safe sexual and reproductive health care.
        • The next meeting will be held in person on 15 May 2025

    Who should attend: The day is aimed at GPs, practice nurses and any other health professionals in primary care working with young people or with an interest in contraception and sexual health. The goal is to support clinical professionals in delivering  effective and safe sexual and reproductive healthcare. Enquiries to:

    • Lunchtime LARC fitter forums

    Implant and IUC fitters forums are held regularly at Unity Central Health Clinic or, since the COVID pandemic, remotely. If you wish to attend please  email DFSRH Training

    The next event will take place on Weds 21 March 2025

    • FSRH Essentials in Menopause Care

    For further information visit the FSRH website.

    • SRH Essentials for Primary Care Course is aimed at Healthcare Practitioners working in Primary Care settings.  It is relevant for those needing an introduction to SRH (sexual and reproductive health) and it also provides a useful update for more experienced staff.

    At the end of the course, you will be able to:-

    • Develop the skills and confidence to consult with patients about their sexual and reproductive healthcare needs
    • Recommend an appropriate method of emergency contraception
    • Review the COC, POP and injection contraceptive methods
    • Carry out sexual health risk assessments
    • Identify when patients are at risk of STIs

    Who is this course for?

    • GPs
    • Nurses
    • Physicians Associates
    • Paramedics
    • Pharmacists
    • Other Healthcare Professionals working in Primary Care

    For further information visit the FSRH website.

  • Become a FSRH registered trainer (FRT)

    Are you a recognised GP clinical or educational supervisor?

    If so then it is relatively easy for you to become a Faculty Registered Trainer (FRT) of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH). There are 3 simple steps:

    Step 1

    Check you meet the other entry requirements:

    – Have the Diploma DFSRH for at least 12 months

    – Current FSRH membership and up to date with recertification

    – At least 12 months current experience in SRH

    Step 2

    Contact your local General Training Programme Director (GTPD) to discuss your interest in becoming an FRT . If you are not already known to the GTPD a virtual meeting will be arranged before the GTPD is able to support your application. The BNSSG local GTPD is Lucinda Farmer (

    Step 3

    Complete and submit the ‘Application form for FSRH Registered Trainer status’ which can be found on the FSRH website.

    a. This application has to be reviewed and signed by the GTPD.

    b. You will need to identify a potential buddy (an experienced FRT) to provide informal support for the first year

    c. The completed application form and supporting documents should be emailed to the Education Team at

    There is no fee for an application for FRT status. For more information visit


    If you are a nurse mentor or supervisor contact Hettie Lean to discuss options or for further advice.


    If you are NOT a recognised trainer currently, then you will need to provide evidence that you hold a relevant qualification or accreditation in medical education such as a university accredited postgraduate course in medical/clinical/healthcare teaching or education, with a minimum of 15 credits at Levels 6 or 7 or an Academy of Medical Educators (AoME) accredited courses (within the last 5 years).


    What are the benefits of becoming an FRT?

    Your GP trainees can complete their DFSRH and/or coil and/or implant training with you as part of their placement – without the need to apply elsewhere . There is currently a long wait at most sexual health services for training.

    You can also train other interested members of your team (eg nurses/ physicians associates/ pharmacists).

  • Become a LARC coil/implant fitter : FSRH Loc SDI , Loc IUT

    The FSRH Letters of Competence (LoC) are nationally recognised qualifications for those who wish to provide contraceptive implants or intra-uterine contraception. There are two separate training programmes aimed at doctors, nurses and physicians associates already working in general practice, community and integrated sexual health services who wish to develop the necessary knowledge, attitude and skills to support women seeking long-acting contraception:

    • The Loc SDI will equip clinicians with the skills and knowledge required for  effective subdermal contraception provision and subsequent management of any complications or side-effects: including those which prompt removal of the device
    • The Loc IUT will equip clinicians with the knowledge and skills required for safe insertion of intra-uterine contraception, including for emergency contraception

    Unity runs a training programme and has FSRH registered trainers who can support anyone wishing to achieve these LoCs. We offers clinical placements for the clinical experience and assessments stage.

    For further information, please email DFSRH Training  or visit the FSRH website .

    FSRH LARC training is also available through other providers such as the Pharmaceutical industry who have FSRH Registered Trainers. All training listed here is through FSRH registered trainers:

    For implant training:

    Or Tel: 07817186538

    For coil training:  Mobile: 07971 225798

    If you are already a LARC fitter, Unity run lunchtime meetings to support you in your role. These meetings are an opportunity to meet and network with other LARC fitters, share examples of best practice, troubleshoot common problems and discuss relevant updates.

    LARC fitter forums: Wednesday 1-2pm free to attend unless otherwise stated.

    5 Feb 2025
    19 March 2025

    If you wish to attend any of the above meetings please  email DFSRH Training


  • LARC fitter forum

    If you are already fitting LARC ( implants or IUC), you are welcome to attend Unity-run lunchtime meetings to support you in your role. These meetings are an opportunity to meet and network with other LARC fitters, share examples of best practice, troubleshoot common problems and discuss relevant updates.

    If you wish to attend please  email DFSRH Training

    Below is the list of upcoming dates for 2025:

    • 5 Feb 2025
    • 19 March 2025

    If you wish to attend any of the above meetings please  email DFSRH Training


    Unity are aware that there are some Pharma-led fitter forum meetings.

    For Bayer-sponsored meetings email

    For Organon-sponsored meetings email or


  • Gain experience as a doctor or medical student in sexual health

    If you are a medical student or doctor and would like to arrange a placement or taster day at Unity Sexual Health, please email our Medical Secretaries .

  • Gain experience as a nurse or nursing student in sexual health

    If you are a nursing student or qualified nurse and would like to arrange a placement at Unity Sexual Health, please email our Medical Secretaries if you would like to organise a day placement or Unity Sexual Health Matron Ann Steele-Nicholson

  • Attend Unity's contraception and sexual health updating day

    Unity Contraception and Sexual Health Study Day –The next event will be taking place on 16 May 2024

    This is an annual whole day learning event delivered by Unity Sexual Health.

    Who should attend: The day is aimed at GPs, practice nurses and any other health professionals in primary care working with young people or with an interest in contraception and sexual health. The goal is to support clinical professionals in delivering  effective and safe sexual and reproductive healthcare.

    • Date :  Thursday 15 May 2025
    • Enquiries about the 2025 event to: Shonda Powell, Suite 313, 179 Whiteladies Road, Bristol,  BS8 2AG Tel: 01225 436 129

    The topics confirmed:

    • Contraception update
    • Service update and primary care interface
    • Teratogenic medication and contraception considerations Lisa Rees, Kate Ryan
    • Menopause: a potentially modifiable CV risk factor and CVD prevention in women

    Breakout Sessions ( delegates able to select 2 topics)

    1. Intra-uterine contraception Workshop – Manika Singh, Esther Hatfield, Emma Trump

    2.Painful sex – Dr Sally Soodeen
    3. Common STI scenarios for primary care –Dr Lindsey Harryman
    4. Contraception scenarios for Primary care– Dr Sharon Moses

    To book please email :


  • Access Unity training for partner organisations supporting homelessness

    Unity have offered bespoke training session for :

    -DHI Bristol. This event was aimed at the single point of contact triage team to support them in asking about sexual health, identifying where more support may be needed and then sign-posting as appropriate.

    – DHI South Gloucester to discuss partnership links and provide an overview on sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment

    -Compass Homeless Health – to support the clinical team responding to the contraceptive needs of their patient group.


    -CAMHS – to support sign-posting to relevant sexual health services

    -School nurses – to support sign-posting to STI and pregnancy testing

    -Health care assistants in primary care – to support routine monitoring and ongoing supply of oral contraception


  • Access Unity training for schools: RSE delivery support and School Nurse training
      1. RSE Support 

    Our partners Brook offer training to support schools in the delivery of RSE.

    To find out more please visit their website.

    Please click on the document icon at the bottom of this page to see the DfE Communication to schools on the implementation of Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex and Health Education.

    As part of the Unity offer, Brook also deliver a free session which focusses on Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) and Relationship &  Sex Education (RSE):

    Talking to young people about their sexual health can be a challenging experience. In this training, Brook draw on our 55 years of expertise of talking to young people about their sexual health and provide a comprehensive overview of the information that you need to know in order to work effectively in this area.

    Delivering RSE  isn’t easy for everyone, this training offers a comprehensive introduction to help you develop the confidence, knowledge and skills to plan and deliver good quality relationships and sex education for young people with additional needs.

    Aim: To equip those working with SEND young people with core knowledge and a framework which they can build on to deliver high quality effective relationship and sex education which ensures the best outcomes for young people with additional needs in ways that work best in the real life context of their school.

    By the end of the training participants will have gained knowledge and understanding of:

    • RSE and its inclusivity.
    • Explore personal barriers and how they can impact on professional work.
    • Laws and policies protecting and educating young people with SEND.
    • The impact of language and how to use it correctly.
    • Explore varying presenting techniques for how to deliver RSE to SEND students.

    This training is suitable for: Teaching professionals working with young people with additional needs in the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire area.


    All dates for this event for 2020 have now happened. We will be announcing dates for 2021 shortly. Please check back.


    2. “Principles of good sexual health provision” – training for school nurses

    Unity are hosting a series of three remote sessions ( each lasting 2 hours and 15 minutes) which have been developed bespoke for the school nursing team. The aim of these sessions is to support school nurses in responding to requests for information about STI testing and contraception and to be able to address any immediate concerns that a young person may have or sign-post as appropriate.

    The dates and objectives for each session are as follows:

    Session Learning outcomes

    By the end of the session you will be able to…

    1- Chlamydia testing and sexually transmitted infection (STI) overview
    1. Advise young people how to order and undertake a chlamydia test
    2. Describe common STIs and possible symptoms;
    3. Discuss risk-reduction strategies such as condom use;
    4. Describe to a young person how they can access services if they have any STI concerns
    5. Sign post to relevant services
    This event has now taken place
    2- Emergency contraception (EC)
    1. Make an assessment of when EC is indicated,
    2. Discuss what types of EC are available to the young person within the given time frames,
    3. Facilitate access to oral EC or referral for an em IUD
    4. Identify possible safeguarding concerns and sig post as appropriate
    This event has now taken place
    3 – Pregnancy testing(PT)
    1. Discuss limitations of timing of a negative result in terms of window period;
    2. Sign post if PT is positive
    3. Provide support around pregnancy decisions;
    4. Provide ongoing contraceptive advice if PT is negative
    This event has now taken place
  • Unity: Be Here - attend an open event at the Central Health Clinic

    Following on from the success of Unity’s involvement in Bristol Doors Open Day,  we are planning a series of open events to welcome community members,  stakeholders and partners in the wider sexual health network. We would like to offer you the opportunity to learn about Unity services (who we are and what we do); hear our key health promotion messages and hopefully establish links with our team.

    We will be running 60 minute tours which will include:

    • an overview of Unity’s services and partner organisations
    • HIV awareness and recent advances in treatment and prevention
    • STI testing including postal kits and our rapid testing “Panther” machine


    To book you place please register via EventBrite


If you cannot find the course you are looking for on this calendar please refer to the section ” Attend UYP training to support your work with young people” – which may contain updated details of some of our courses as well as the “LARC fitter forum” section. Please also note UPDATES which will be listed contemporaneously below.



Consent and Managing Disclosures June 12/06/2024 09:30-13:30 Brook
Diversity and Inclusion June 19/06/2024 09:30-11:00 THT
C Card Training July 12/07/2024 09:30-12:30 Brook
Hearts and Minds August 14/08/2024 09:30-11:00 THT
HIV and STI Basics September 18/09/2024 10:00-12:00 THT
Spotting the Signs September 27/09/2024 09:30-13:30 Brook
C Card Training October 07/10/2024 09:30-12:30 Brook
Sexual Health in the Community October 22/10/2024 09:30-13:30 Brook
Pregnancy Decisions and Dilemmas November 13/11/2024 09:00-13:00 Unity Young People
C Card Training November 27/11/2024 09:30-12:30 Brook
HIV Awareness and STI and Chlamydia Update November 27/11/2024 10:00-12:00 (in person) THT and CSP
Understanding Masculinity and Tackling Misogyny December 09/12/2024 09:30-13:30 Brook
C Card Training January 13/01/2025 09:30-12:30 Brook
Working with LGBTQ+ Young People February 13/02/2025 10:00-11:30 THT
Pornography and Youth Produced Sexual Imagery February 26/02/2025 09:30-13:30 Brook


Consent and Managing Disclosures

This training aims help those working with young people understand the law, the gender norms, stereotypes and cultural factors which may affect young people’s ability to consent and provide resources to help young people to develop awareness and confidence in communicate about consent with their partners. 

Learning Outcomes

    • Understand the importance of adopting a holistic approach to educating about consent including gender, social norms and bystander approach
    • Identify a spiral curriculum approach to teaching consent
    • Explore the current context of sexual assault in the UK & learn about the effects of sexual assault
    • Build on confidence regarding how to react to a sexual assault disclosure and follow up

Date:  4 hours – 09:30 – 13:30 – Wednesday 12th June 2024


Diversity and inclusion: promoting sexual health 

This training is delivered by Unity partners, the Terence Higgins Trust. The learning event aims to support professionals who work with young people to explore issues relating to racial diversity and sexual health. 

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Understand the inequalities for racially marginalised communities in sexual health 
  • Understand the impact of social and cultural determinants on sexual and reproductive health 
  • Explore methods to improve engagement with diverse communities 

Dates:  19th June 2024 10.00-11.30


HIV and STI basics

This training is delivered by Unity partners, the Terence Higgins Trust. The learning event aims to support professionals who work with young people to explore issues relating to HIV. Outcomes: 

  • Provide an understanding of HIV transmission 
  • Discuss prevention strategies (safer sex, TaSP) 
  • Explore living with HIV and how to find out more through interactive group work 
  • Provide tools and engagement methods to support young people with their learning. 


September 18th 2024 10.00-11.30


HIV awareness and STI and chlamydia screening update

This JOINT  training is delivered by Unity partners, the Terence Higgins Trust and the Chlamydia Screening Office

The learning event aims to support professionals who work with young people to explore issues relating to HIV.


  • Understand the prevalence of STIs and chlamydia in young people
  • Describe interventions that can reduce transmission of STIs and chlamydia
  • Discuss the role of the Chlamydia screening programme in Bristol
  • Understand HIV transmission
  • Discuss prevention strategies (safer sex, PrEP)


Weds 27th November 2024 2024 09.30-12.30 – this event will take place in person

To book a place on any of the UYP events please click here.


LGBTQ+ – Working with LGBTQ+ Young people 

This training is delivered by Unity partners, the Terence Higgins Trust. The event aims to empower attendees to work confidently with young people to explore issues around sexuality and gender. 

Attendees will feel encouraged and supported to develop and deliver LGBTQ+ inclusive content and will have an increased knowledge and understanding of LGBTQ+ identities, reflecting on existing understanding and unconscious bias. 

These sessions have been developed in conjunction with LGBTQ+ young people. 


Tuesday 20th Feb 2024 09.30-11.00 

Tuesday 13th Feb 2025 10.00-11.30 


Hearts and Minds: reducing HIV stigma in healthcare

This training aims to enable attendees to provide confident and supportive care for people living with HIV in all health and care settings. This training is about proactively tackling the social exclusion and inequality that impacts on many areas of life with HIV, stigma and discrimination by health providers will continue to negatively impact the health of people living with HIV, regardless of improved knowledge/awareness.


  • Review HIV transmission and the history of the virus.
  • Consider how treatments have transformed HIV and its risks.
  • Reflect on the impact of HIV stigma in health settings.
  • Plan confident and supportive health care provision for people living with HIV in their healthcare setting.


Wednesday 14th February 2024 09.45 – 11.30 on-line

Wednesday 14th August 2024 09.30-11.00


Pornography and youth produced sexual imagery

This training aims to raise awareness of the role social media, pornography and sexting plays in young people sexual encounters and relationships.  Through learning about the impact on young people and the legal framework relating to sexting and pornography professionals will have then explore how to respond and support young people to keep themselves safe and nurture healthy relationships .


  • Understand the messages and impact of social media, pornography and sexting on young people’s relationships
  • Understand risks including the legal implications of pornography and sexting
  • Feels confident to respond to situations involving pornography and/or sexting
  • Is familiar with resources available and practical tools to support young people around issues associated  with social media, pornography and sexting

Dates:  4 hours – 09:30 – 13:30

Thursday 15th Feb 2024

Wednesday 26th Feb 2025


Pregnancy-Decisions and Dilemmas (half-day) 

This is aimed at the Young People’s Workforce-those who work directly with young people such as Learning Mentors in schools, School Nurses, Support Workers, Young People’s housing workers, Youth Workers, drug and alcohol workers, those working for young people’s charities, social workers etc. 


  • Identify tools, strategies and support for working with young people who are pregnant or at risk of pregnancy 
  • Increase confidence to discuss pregnancy options with young people 
  • Reflect on your own views of teenage pregnancy and abortion and how they might affect your  practice 
  • Confidentiality and the law


9th May 2024 0900-1300 – TBC

6th November 2024 09.00-13.00


NEW for 2024: SHIC Training (Sexual Health In the Community )  

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand the importance and characteristics of a sex positive and inclusive approach to sexual health.
  • Feel confident to talk about a range of contraceptive methods with young people and signpost them to appropriate services.
  • Tell young people about the most common STIs, their symptoms, testing and treatment, signpost to services, and counter common myths and challenge STI stigma.
  • Explain the benefits of barrier methods, tell young people about condom distribution schemes and carry out a condom demonstration.
  • Recognise important safeguarding issues related to young people’s sexual health and wellbeing and be able to take a multiagency approach to keeping young people safe.

Dates:  4 hours – 09:30 – 13:30 

Monday 29th April 2024

Tuesday 22nd October 2024 


NEW for 2024: Spotting the Signs of Child Sexual and Criminal Exploitation

Learning outcomes

  • Recognise different models of child sexual and criminal exploitation
  • Know that perpetrators may subject children to multiple forms of abuse at the same time
  • Challenge gendered preconceptions of children and young people’s vulnerability to different forms of exploitation
  • Identify the barriers for children and young people to disclosure
  • Feel confident to effectively apply the tool to exploring and assessing risk to children and young people
  • Understand the effects of trauma and how to apply the principles of trauma informed practice to using the too


Friday 27th September 2024



STIs and Chlamydia screening update 


  • Understand the prevalence of STIs and chlamydia in young people 
  • Describe interventions that can reduce transmission of STIs and chlamydia 
  • Discuss the role of the Chlamydia screening programme in Bristol 

Dates – 7th Feb 2024 09.30-12.30


STIs and contraception – myth-busting 


  • Correct myth and misinformation surrounding STIs and contraception 
  • Support young people to be able to access reliable information 
  • Sign post young people for advice 


Tuesday 11 June 2024 09.30-12.30

Tues 4th Feb 2024 09.30-12.30


NEW for 2024: Understanding Masculinity and Tackling Misogyny

Learning outcomes:

  • Describe the harm gender stereotypes cause young people of all genders
  • Define misogyny and give examples of how it affects young people
  • Understand the impact of digital content on young people’s gender norms and values
  • Recognise and mitigate the push-pull factors that attract young people towards extreme ideologies
  • Feel confident in raising young people’s awareness of misogyny and tackle harmful ideas in the classroom

Monday 9th December 2024


C –card training:  

Dates:  3 hours – 09:30 – 12:30 

Wednesday 13th March 2024 

Tuesday 14th May 2024

Friday 12th July 2024

Monday 7th  October 2024

Wednesday 27th November 2024

Monday 13th January 2025

Friday 21st March 2025


 Please note the above dates are available to those working in the Bristol area only.  

For those working in South Gloucestershire please visit: 

For those working in North Somerset please email Kate Blakley, Health Improvement specialist: 


Associated organisations providing training

  • Avon group for Contraception and Sexual health

    The Avon Group for Contraception and Sexual Health is a membership group providing training and updates for doctors and nurses who have a special interest in Contraception and Sexual Health. The group aims to provide a high quality of educational meetings (three per year) to doctors, nurses and health advisers, providing contraception sexual and reproductive health care to the populations within Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. This includes primary care and specialist services.

    Please see the website for further information.

  • Brook

    Brook are a UK-wide organisation, providing sexual health and contraception services for everyone under the age of 25 years.

    An important part of this work has been providing training to adults working with young people in a range of settings- from health professionals to teachers and youth workers.

    Please see the Brook website for further infortmation

    Brook are Unity’s partner organisation who are responsible for delivering all the C-card training in Bristol and many of the UYP training events such as:

    • SHIC Training (Sexual Health In the Community) 
    • Consent and Managing Disclosures
    • Understanding Masculinity and Tackling Misogyny
    • Spotting the Signs of Sexual and Criminal Exploitation
    • Pornography and Youth Produced Sexual Imagery  
  • C:card

    To prepare those working with young people to run C:Card registration points which make it easier for them to access condoms when they need them and increasing opportunities for them to talk to trained workers.

    Unity@Brook provides C-card training for professionals working in the Bristol  area only.

    C-Card Training (1/2 day)

    This is available to professionals working in the Bristol  area only.

    Dates: 0930-1330

    Please click here to book

    Wednesday 13th March 2024

    Tuesday 14th May 2024

    Friday 12th July 2024

    Monday 7th  October 2024

    Wednesday 27th November 2024

    Monday 13th January 2025

    All events have now taken place – please check back after April 2025


    For those working in South Gloucestershire or North Somerset there are separate C card training arrangements:

    South Gloucestershire:  Click here for further information on registering as a C:card provider in South Gloucestershire.

    North Somerset:  Click here for further information on registering as a C:card provider in North Somerset or email Kate Blakley, Health Improvement Specialist ( ).

  • Terence Higgins Trust

    Terence Higgins Trust offer events as part of UYP training on  Working with young people from  LGBTQ+ or BAME communities, as well as HIV awareness

  • University of the West of England (UWE) Bristol

    UWE Bristol currently run two degree level integrated sexual health modules suitable for practice nurses and allied health professionals:

    This module is taught over 5 consecutive days at the Glenside Campus of UWE, Bristol and provides an overview of sexual health issues including: contraception, STIs, pregnancy options, sexual violence and difficulties, values and attitudes and sexual history taking. Students have 3 months to complete a 3000 word essay. This module is worth 20 credits at first degree level and is also available to study at Master’s level.

    • Integrated Practice for Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare This 20 credit module supports nurses to achieve the DFSRH (1.1) and is suited to nurses who have existing sexual health nursing knowledge and experience, access to regular consultations of a sexual health nature and a mentor in practice. The module is run over 9 months with a start date in January at UWE Glenside. The majority of the learning is online and in practice with only 3 taught days at UWE Glenside.

    For more information including part funding opportunities contact

  • Health Learning Partnership

    Health Learning Partnership offer education for GPs and primary care practitioners in and around Bristol.

    The course list can be found here.

  • Pharmaceutical companies

    Unity are aware that the manufacturers of both the IUS and contraceptive implant run Pharma-organised fitter forum events for LARC fitters.

    Please contact your Pharma rep directly for details of these.

Online learning resources

  • Sexually transmitted infections

    E-learning for health programme on sexual and reproductive healthcare

    E-learning for health programme on sexual health and HIV

    The RCGP’s eLearning website containing courses and updates for general practice.

    Visit for all the latest clinical guidance on management of STIs.

    Visit for current clinical guidelines on HIV management


  • Contraception

    E-learning for health programme on sexual and reproductive healthcare

    RCGP e-learning course on contraception

    Visit for all the latest evidence-based guidance on contraception and recommended service standards


    Bristol Learning Pool module on trans awareness.  The course is available under the equalities category.

    The Faculty of sexual and reproductive health have produced a statement on: Contraceptive Choices and Sexual Health for Transgender and Non-binary people (October 2017)

    RCGP on-line resource on Gender variance,  designed to help GPs respond to the needs of adults and young people experiencing gender dysphoria.

    Stonewall Scotland’s Online Learning Resource is an eLearning package, which gives an introduction to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans equality issues. It is aimed at frontline staff to help them understand the barriers and specific concerns which may be experienced by their LGBT customers or service users. It includes introductory training on issues such as the problem with making assumptions, the importance of clear policies which are well publicised, the barriers associated with “coming out” to staff, and the specific issues which many trans service users experience. The resource is therefore free to use. Visit


  • Abuse and exploitation , including FGM

    The RCGP’s Violence Against Women and Children online course will enable GPs and other primary care professionals to improve their recognition of and response to patients suffering from violence. The course has been developed with funding from the Department of Health.

    e-learning for health have a module on FGM. The FGM course is designed to improve the knowledge and awarensss of FGM amongst healthcare professionals. The e-learning resource focuses on issues related to health, legal status and referral pathways. The sessions are knowledge based and will provide practical support to healthcare professionals facing challenges such as how to approach a conversation about FGM with patients.

    Female Genital Mutilation


    South Gloucestershire have useful information and learning support.


    E-learning for health also offer a range of online modules on adult safeguarding and child safeguarding: level 1, 2, and 3.

    Safeguarding Adults

    Safeguarding Children and Young People


  • Drugs and Alcohol
    • Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice programme

    Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice

    The Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice e-learning project (Alcohol IBA) helps professionals to identify those individuals whose drinking might impact their health, now or in the future and to deliver simple, structured advice aimed at reducing this risk. Courses available include delivering alcohol IBA in different  settings including Primary Care and Community Pharmacy. Available through e-learning for health.

    • RCGP course  – for everybody who needs to use an assessment tool to identify problematic drinking. It is intended for a general audience; you do not have to be a doctor or a nurse to attempt it. The course will enable you to understand the basic principles of alcohol related harm; to use the AUDIT screening tool and to act on its results; and to have an understanding of how to give brief advice where required. The course also explores the health, social and legal consequences of drinking alcohol and uses video clips to demonstrate the use of AUDIT and how to conduct a brief intervention. This course is FREE to all primary healthcare professionals
  • Human Trafficking and Modern slavery

    The website have produced a resource  designed to share examples of training products available to public sector professionals and other individuals that might come across victims to help raise awareness, better spot the signs and increase confidence in reporting modern slavery when potential cases are encountered.

    E-learning for healthcare  host an online resource which provides an overview of the issue of modern slavery. It is aimed at helping all healthcare staff recognise the signs that someone has been trafficked, and to take appropriate action with confidence.

    Modern Slavery


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