New sexual health service to launch across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire

A new, innovative integrated sexual and reproductive health service is set to launch in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) on 1 April 2025. The new service, named Yuno, will offer free and confidential access to a wide range of services.

From 1 April, the integrated sexual and reproductive health service can be accessed online at

How to set up an online account with Unity Sexual Health

Our Patient Accounts allow you to:

    • Order a postal testing kit
    • Book PrEP appointments in Bristol or South Gloucetsershire ( for all other appointments please call 0117 342 6900)
      •  for Weston or North Somerset PrEP please call 01934881234
    • Book syphilis blood tests if you have received a text inviting you to book one (These are for syphilis blood tests only and you will not be seen for anything further on these slots)

Once completed, please return your test samples as soon as possible, as prolonged storage at room temperature can effect results.

You can register and access your account here


  • For more information on how to use your online account to order a postal test kit click  here
  • You will need an e-mail address, password, and UK mobile telephone number to register. (If you do not have a UK Mobile number please call 0117 342 9299  to register)
  • To maintain your confidentiality we recommend using an e-mail address AND mobile phone number to register.  Unity will send you a confirmatory e-mail that is visible in your inbox and a pin number in order to complete registration will be sent to your mobile phone.
  • Please look at the document below for help setting up your online account.
  • To see the Unity Sexual Health Confidentiality Statement please click here
  • How to order a postal kit using your online account
    1. Please access your Online Account. (To set up an account see click here)
    2. Click on the “Home Test Kits” box
    3. Select the kit type required from the 5 different ones available (see below “What test kit do I order?” for further advice). Click “Order
    4. Complete the Online Triage Questions (this takes about 3 minutes to complete) – all the questions need an answer – please just select “Not Applicable” option if the question does not apply to you.
    5. At the bottom of the page of Online Triage Questions, click “Order
    6. Once you have ordered your kit and completed the triage information, your order will be visible in the “Previous Test Kit Orders” on the Home Testing Kits page.
    7. You can check the status of your order on the “Previous Test Kit Orders” box- it will read “Posted” when we have sent the kit out to you.
    8. We aim to send out test kits the next working day.
    9. You will not be able to re-order a test kit if your status of your kit is still “Ordered”
  • What test kit do I order?

    Once you have registered for your online account, you will have the option of ordering a home test kit to complete your tests for sexually transmitted infections at home.

    We have aimed to give you as much choice as possible with the choice of kits available.

    We have 5 test kit options:

    I want to test for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea only:

    Pack 1: Order this if you have a penis and only have sex with women (This test kit is used to test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea from a penis with a urine sample)

    Pack 2: You have a vagina (This test kit is used to test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea from a vagina using a swab)


    I want a blood test for HIV and Syphilis plus tests for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea:

    Pack 3: You have a penis and only have sex with women  (This test kit is used to test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea from a penis with a urine sample and HIV/syphilis with blood sample)

    Pack 4: You have a vagina (This test kit is used to test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea from a vagina using a swab and HIV/syphilis with blood sample)

    Pack 5: You want to check for infections in your penis or vagina, throat and bottom (This test kit is used to test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea with swabs from the throat/bottom/vagina and penis with a urine sample (use what you require). HIV and syphilis are tested with a blood sample)

  • Difficulty with the blood test

    Many people have difficulty getting enough blood for the test.

    If you have any difficulties with the blood test, please check out our video below.

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