Accessing advice from Unity Sexual Health
This website provides information and advice on a wide range of topics relating to sexual health.
There are also videos providing explanations about some types of contraception.
The information on the website aims to direct you to which service you need.
This includes information about where you can attend for testing and treatment if needed – it also includes other ways you can access some services.
If you do not find the information you need, you can call:
Bristol/South Gloucestershire: 0117 342 6900 to speak to a receptionist to find at about services and book an appointment
Weston/North Somerset: 01934881234 to speak to a receptionist and book an appointment at Unity @ The WISH Centre
Bristol & South Gloucestershire: 0117 342 6944 to talk in confidence to a sexual health adviser for advice on what to do – this line is open 9.00 to 16.00 Monday to Thursday and 09.00 to 13.00 on Friday. It is not open on Saturday or Sunday.
Weston & North Somerset: 01934881234 to talk in confidence to a sexual health adviser or specialist nurse for advice on what to do.