Online PrEP appointments

31/01/2025: We are having technical difficulties with the online PrEP appointments.  Please call 0117 342 6900 to book your PrEP appointment (subject to availability).

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Pregnancy for U20s

If you don’t want to get pregnant then the best way to avoid it is to find a method of contraception that suits you.

You can read up about your options on this website or you can talk to someone at a Unity sexual health service.  All our services are confidential, free and friendly, and you won’t be judged by our staff.


How do you get pregnant?

Women can get pregnant if:

  • They have unprotected sex. This means that no form of contraception was used.
  • A form of contraception was used, but something stopped it from working.  For example, the condom split or you forgot to take your pill.

Remember, whatever friends or partners might say, you CAN get pregnant:

  • The first time you have sex
  • If you have sex standing up
  • If you had sex on your period or with a girl on her period
  • If a guy pulls out before he ejaculates

I’ve had unprotected sex

If you have had unprotected sex within the last 72 hours (3 days) you can get free emergency contraception from a chemist or pharmacy or from a Unity sexual health services across Bristol. Use our service locator to find the nearest service to you.

Another option is that you can have an IUD coil fitted (up to 120 hours/5 days later). You will need to go to a sexual health clinic for this. The main thing to remember is that you should continue to use condoms if you are having sex

What are the signs I am pregnant?

  • Missed period
  • Swelling or tenderness of the breasts
  • Feeling sick (often called morning sickness, although does not always occur in the morning)
  • Frequent need to wee
  • Feeling tired
  • Changes in appetite or going off certain foods

The only way to know for sure is to take a pregnancy test.  To search for your nearest service use our service locator.

I’m pregnant but don’t know what to do

You need to think carefully about your decision and what is best for you.  Don’t ignore the situation because it won’t just go away.  It’s good to have as many options as possible and the earlier you find out, the more options you have.

There are lots of people you can talk to in Bristol who will help you make a decision such as sexual health workers, doctors and counsellors, all of which can be found in the directory (see above).

You can also visit the Bristol Pregnancy Advisory Service. Please ring the free 24/7 Central Booking Line on  03458725435

What are my options?

No one can make this decision for you but if you are pregnant, there are 3 options available to you:

Deciding what to do will be hard, especially if you didn’t plan to get pregnant.  You may need to consider your age, relationship with the father, family, financial situation, housing, and cultural factors amongst others.

You can get advice and support from Unity services and from the Pregnancy advisory service in Bristol and your friends and family could help too.

Locate a confidential service

Find your local Pharmacy or Clinic and book a confidential appointment.

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