New sexual health service to launch across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire

A new, innovative integrated sexual and reproductive health service is set to launch in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) on 1 April 2025. The new service, named Yuno, will offer free and confidential access to a wide range of services.

From 1 April, the integrated sexual and reproductive health service can be accessed online at

Am I pregnant?

  • Do a pregnancy test

    If you think you may be pregnant, do a test as soon as possible.

    • You can buy a test from the chemist or supermarket and do it yourself.
    • You can get a free test at some of the Unity Sexual Health Service clinics – please visit our clinics page or call 0117 342 6900.

    You can carry out a pregnancy test from the first day of a missed period or 21 days from the last unprotected sex. Tests that are done earlier than this may not be accurate.

    If the test is positive, this means you are pregnant. All pregnancy tests, when carried out correctly and at the right time, are reliable. This includes tests that you buy from the pharmacy or supermarket to do yourself.

    If you don’t have regular periods, and the test is negative, you should repeat the test at least three weeks (21 days) from the last time that you had unprotected sex.

  • I've had a positive pregnancy test. What are my choices?

    You now need to think about what you want to do:

    • Continue with the pregnancy and keep the baby (you can ask about extra support available, if needed)
    • Continue with the pregnancy and have the baby adopted
    • End the pregnancy by having an abortion

    You may wish to talk to family and friends about your options, or it might be easier to talk to someone who is not so close to you.

    If you would like to talk to someone at our Pregnancy Advisory clinic, please call the Central Booking line, and an appointment to discuss your options and feelings can be made 0345 872 5435 (7am-8pm daily) or book a telephone consultation online.

  • What should I do if I'm not sure?

    If you are having difficulty reaching a decision, it is often useful to talk it over with people you can trust and having accurate information can help. You might want to talk to family and friends – or  talk to someone who is impartial and not close to you.

    Often it is best to book an appointment to find out how many weeks pregnant you are, get some accurate information about pregnancy, your options and abortion with a health professional. Call the Unity Central Booking number 0345 872 5435 (7am-8pm daily) in order to book an appointment or book a telephone consultation online.

    Staff at Unity’s Pregnancy Advisory service can help you resolve any conflicting emotions and help you reach the right decision for you. We recognise that this may take some time. If you do decide to end the pregnancy you will be given another appointment on a different date for an abortion.

  • What should I do if I have already decided to continue with the pregnancy?

    Contact your GP practice and ask to book to see a midwife for antenatal care.

    If you are not registered with a GP currently, find your nearest GP practice here.

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