Postal kit service

The Unity online test kit service has reached full capacity and will be temporarily closed to new orders until 16 March 2025. Orders already received will be processed and we will update further before this date.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this disruption.

If you have an urgent clinical problem, please call the clinic on 0117 342 6900.

What are my pregnancy options?

If you would like to talk to someone at our Pregnancy Advisory clinic, please call the Central Booking line for an appointment to discuss your options and feelings 0345 872 5435 (7am-8pm daily) or complete the online booking form


If you have had a positive pregnancy test, you now need to think about what you want to do:

  • Continue with the pregnancy and keep the baby (you can ask about extra support available, if needed).
  • End the pregnancy by having an abortion.
  • Continue with the pregnancy and arrange for the baby to be adopted.

You may wish to talk to family and friends about your options, or it might be easier to talk to someone who is not so close to you.


  • Things to think about

    When you are making your decision about what to do, sometimes thinking about some of these things listed below can help:

    • Your life now: What is important to you at the moment? These things may include family, friends, job or education.
    • Your future: What are your hopes and aims for the future? Think about all aspects of your life.

    How would these things be affected by:

    • Continuing with the pregnancy and becoming a parent
    • Ending the pregnancy by having an abortion
    • Continuing with the pregnancy and choosing adoption
  • Continue with the pregnancy

    You will be able to access antenatal care. You can self-refer if you live in Bristol, North Somerset or South Gloucestershire directly through this link: PREGNANCY SELF-REFERRAL

    If you are a resident outside of BNSSG you will need to inform your GP.

    If you are not registered with a GP at the moment, click here to find your nearest GP and register as soon as possible.

    Things to think about in the meantime while waiting for your first appointment are:

    • Healthy eating and exercise
    • Taking folic acid and vitamin D – these can be bought from any supermarket or pharmacy
    • Stopping smoking
    • Cutting out, or down on, alcohol
    • Stopping recreational drug use
    • Whether any medicines you’re taking are safe in pregnancy. If you have any concerns about this speak to your GP. Do not stop any medications without discussing with your GP.
    • Getting advice and testing for sexually transmitted infections. You can order a Unity testing kit here


  • Adoption

    Adoption may be a choice for you if you do not want to become a parent, but also do not want an abortion.

    To discuss the option of adoption, you should still register via your GP for antenatal care (see the section above “Continue with the pregnancy”) and discuss adoption with either your GP, midwife or local social services.

    More information on adoption can be found here or see the section “Where can I find out more information?”

  • Abortion

    Legal abortion is a safe way of ending a pregnancy. This is a decision you would make because you do not want to continue with the pregnancy.

    Abortion is legal in the UK. 1 in 3 women will have an abortion before the age of 45 years old.

    For more information on how to have an abortion in Bristol, North Somerset or South Gloucestershire, click here.

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