Postal kit service

The Unity online test kit service has reached full capacity and will be temporarily closed to new orders until 16 March 2025. Orders already received will be processed and we will update further before this date.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this disruption.

If you have an urgent clinical problem, please call the clinic on 0117 342 6900.


PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is a type of medication that prevents you from getting HIV.


Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is taken regularly before sex to prevent getting HIV and is now funded as a free NHS treatment 

If you are interested in getting PrEP in this way then please create an online account to book directly.

If you already get PrEP from Unity you can book a ‘follow up’ appointment, also through your online account. 

See our PrEP page for more information.



Post-exposure prophylaxis is taken after a high-risk exposure to HIV and is free NHS treatment you take for one month. See out PEPSE page for more information.

Do I need PEPSE? Check by answering these questions 


Sex and COVID

Not sure about stopping and starting PrEP? Does PrEP affect COVID? Hooking up hints? Check our the Prepster page.



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