Postal kit service

The Unity online test kit service has reached full capacity and will be temporarily closed to new orders until 16 March 2025. Orders already received will be processed and we will update further before this date.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this disruption.

If you have an urgent clinical problem, please call the clinic on 0117 342 6900.

Concerned about sexual violence?

Sexual violence and abuse is any sexual act that you did not want or made you feel uncomfortable. This can include but is not limited to: rape, sexual assault, flashing, and sexual harassment.

Sexual violence and abuse is unacceptable and will be taken seriously if disclosed to a health professional. There is  support available from different organisations.

See the links below for further details.

  • The Bridge Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)

    The Bridge is a confidential specialist service for people affected by rape and sexual assault.

    The Bridge can be accessed 24/7, 365 days a year. They can offer emotional and psychological support, medical care, practical help, information about reporting to the police, and counselling.

  • ADViSE service

    The ADViSE service offers advice and advocacy to any gender survivor of Domestic Violence or Abuse (DVA) or Sexual Violence (SV) at any point in your life. We can help you to talk about what happened to you, help you feel safe, understand your rights and recover from the effects of DVA and SV. If you have an appointment with a clinician or are coming in to the clinic for support you can speak to a clinician who can refer you or you can contact us directly on 0117 925 0680. and asking to speak to a member of the ADViSE team.

    If you are a member of the public not seeking support from UNITY then you can contact Safelink  or The Bridge .

  • Safe link

    Safelink provide independent support for anyone (women, men, children) who have been the victim of rape and sexual abuse across the whole of Avon and Somerset area. They specialise in practical support through the police and criminal justice system.


    SARSAS provide support for people affected by rape or any kind of sexual assault or abuse at any time in their lives. Services include: helpline, support work, counselling and group work.

  • Kinergy

    Kinergy is a specialist counselling agency offering support for survivors of sexual abuse & sexual violence.

  • The Greenhouse

    The Greenhouse provides free counselling for children, young people and families who have experienced sexual abuse.

  • Avon and Somerset Police

    Avon and Somerset Police have a dedicated service for victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault.

    Important: If you feel in immediate danger, dial 999 straight away and wait in a safe place for the police to arrive.

The Bridge is a confidential specialist service for people affected by rape and sexual assault. The Bridge can be accessed 24/7, 365 days a year. They can offer emotional and psychological support, medical care, practical help, information about reporting to the police, and counselling.  If you follow the link to their website, you will find their contact details and advice about the services they offer following sexual assault.

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