Your confidentiality is very important to us.
The information that you share will remain confidential within Unity.
However, this may not apply if we become concerned about your safety or the safety of another person. If we need to share information with another service for safeguarding reasons then we will make every attempt to discuss this with you.
If you need to be referred to a different service outside of Unity, or if your GP needs to know about your care, then we will ask for your permission first.

What is confidentiality?
Confidential means that we consider everything that you talk to us about is private.
As part of its duty of care, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust is committed to protecting patients’ confidentiality.
Only staff that work in Unity Sexual Health can access your records with us.
Do we share information?
We do not normally share any information with your GP or any other department in the hospital.
If as part of your treatment you need to be referred to a different hospital department or your GP needs to know about your care we will always ask for your permission first.
Test results are not shared with your GP (with the exception of cervical cytology or smear tests) .
However, if we become concerned about your safety or the safety of another person then we might need to share your information with other agencies such as social care. This is because we have a duty to protect the safety and well-being of young people and vulnerable adults such as those with learning disabilities. We share information to try and protect you or someone else from harm.
If we need to share information with another service for safeguarding reasons then we will make every attempt to discuss this with you first. We will only ever share information that is relevant to keep you safe.
How secure is our website?
All data is stored on an NHS approved server. Whilst it is impossible for any website to guarantee security, we follow strict national information governance policies to ensure your data is kept as securely as possible.